Uses of Interface

Packages that use IContext
com.dynamide The core of the Dynamide Framework: Session, Widget, Page, Property, etc. 
com.dynamide.resource Classes for accessing resources from Dynamide. 

Uses of IContext in com.dynamide

Classes in com.dynamide that implement IContext
 class AbstractWidget
 class Application
 class Field
 class JDOMFile
 class Page
          See how the WidgetType class is used for Page default properties, and look at the class javadoc for Widget.
 class Persistent
 class Session
          This class manages the user interaction across Page objects, and is the Java-side representation of the application.xml file, which has the page list, page order, and the application-level events.
 class Widget
          Runtime object representing a Widget.
 class WidgetType
          Each widget type, represented by the WidgetType class, corresponds to an xml file, called something like com.dynamide.button (which may be physically stored as com.dynamide.button.xml), which defines the type.

Methods in com.dynamide that return IContext
 IContext Session.getAppdata()
 IContext Session.getApplicationResource(java.lang.String resourceID)
 IContext Application.getFromCache(java.lang.String key)
 IContext Session.getFromCache(java.lang.String key, boolean applicationShared)
 IContext Application.putInCache(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object obj)
 IContext Session.putInCache(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object obj, boolean applicationShared)

Methods in com.dynamide with parameters of type IContext
 java.util.Map Admin.sortSessionTable(IContext sessions, java.lang.String columnKey, java.lang.String sortAsc)

Uses of IContext in com.dynamide.resource

Classes in com.dynamide.resource that implement IContext
 class Account
 class Assembly
           Each assembly turns into a cache of resources at runtime.
 class ContextNode
 class Pool
 class ResourceManager
          The ResourceManager is required by all Dynamide applications; the servlet calls installSingletonRootResourceManager() while command line applications should call createStandalone().
 class WebAppEntry

Methods in com.dynamide.resource that return IContext
static IContext ResourceManager.addElementToContext(org.jdom.Element elem, IContext ctx, java.lang.String fullpath)
 IContext ResourceManager.addElementToContext(org.jdom.Element elem, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String fullpath)
 IContext IContext.bind(IContext context)
          Binds an IContext node by the name in node.getKey().
 IContext ContextNode.bind(IContext context)
 IContext IContext.bind(java.lang.String key, IContext context)
          Accepts IContext items.
 IContext ContextNode.bind(java.lang.String key, IContext context)
          Accepts Object and IContext items.
 IContext ResourceManager.createPublishCache(java.lang.String cachePrefix, java.lang.String cachePrefixURI)
          Ordinarily, cache points to ResourceManager.CACHE_ICONTEXT_NAME, but with this method, you can create your own cache, so that you can publish to it in Session.MODE_PUBLISH.
static IContext ResourceManager.ensureContext(IContext cur, java.lang.String name)
 IContext ResourceManager.ensureContext(java.lang.String name)
static IContext ResourceManager.ensureContextPath(IContext rm, java.lang.String path)
 IContext ResourceManager.ensureContextPath(java.lang.String path)
 IContext ResourceManager.findAssembliesInAccount(java.lang.String account)
 IContext ResourceManager.findOrCreateCache(java.lang.String cachePrefix, java.lang.String cachePrefixURI)
          Ordinarily, cache points to ResourceManager.CACHE_ICONTEXT_NAME, but with this method, you can create your own cache, to store in-memory content.
 IContext ResourceManager.findSharedAssemblies()
 IContext ResourceManager.findStaticResource(java.lang.String fullURI)
 IContext ResourceManager.findWebAppsInAccount(java.lang.String account)
 IContext ResourceManager.findWebAppsInAssembly(IContext assembly)
 IContext ResourceManager.findWebAppsRoot()
 IContext IContext.firstContext()
          simply return the first context in list of contexts, or null if list is empty.
 IContext ContextNode.firstContext()
 IContext Assembly.getApplicationResource(java.lang.String applicationName, java.lang.String resourceID)
          Each assembly has two places to look for resources: in the resources folder of the assembly in the apps/${appname}/resources folder of the assembly So resources that are not things like page1.xml or application.xml should go in one of those folders and thus begin with "resources/".
 IContext ResourceManager.getCache()
 IContext ResourceManager.getCache(java.lang.String cachePrefix)
 IContext ResourceManager.getCachedResource(java.lang.String cacheRelName)
          Safe to call with either /cache/yada/yada or /yada/yada
 IContext ResourceManager.getCachedResource(java.lang.String cachePrefix, java.lang.String cacheRelName)
          Don't include the leading slash on the cachePrefix, e.g. send "cache" NOT "/cache"
 IContext IContext.getContext(java.lang.String key)
           You either use the concrete com.dynamide.resource.ContextNode as a node in the context tree, or you implement this IContext interface.
 IContext ContextNode.getContext(java.lang.String key)
 IContext Assembly.getImportsFullPathAsContext()
 IContext Assembly.getResource(java.lang.String key)
           Get the IContext node that contains the references to the resource named by key, where key is relative to the root of this assembly.
 IContext Assembly.getResource(java.lang.String resourceID, boolean checkImports)
          Get a resource, optionally looking in all imported assemblies.
static IContext WebApps.initWebApps(IContext node, java.lang.String webappsFullPath, java.lang.String home, java.lang.String assembly, java.lang.String interfaceNumber, IContext logNode)
 IContext ResourceManager.putCachedResource(java.lang.String cacheRelName, IContext resource)
          Safe to call with either /cache/yada/yada or /yada/yada
 IContext ResourceManager.putCachedResource(java.lang.String cachePrefix, java.lang.String cacheRelName, IContext resource)
static IContext Assembly.readResource(IContext context)
protected static IContext Assembly.readResource(IContext context, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String fullpath)
          Important: doesn't rebind the ASSEMBLYDIR attribute, since this method is static.
 IContext IContext.rebind(IContext context)
          Binds an IContext node by the name in context.getKey().
 IContext ContextNode.rebind(IContext context)
 IContext IContext.rebind(java.lang.String key, IContext context)
          Won't throw an ObjectAlreadyBoundException if one exists with the same key, just silently replaces it.
 IContext ContextNode.rebind(java.lang.String key, IContext context)
          Accepts Object and IContext items.
 IContext Assembly.registerApplicationResource(java.lang.String applicationName, java.lang.String resourceID)
          Enter the resource into the Assembly's tree, but even though the file may not exist on disk yet, though it is best to save the resource to disk and then call registerApplicationResource.
 IContext IContext.remove(java.lang.String key)
 IContext ContextNode.remove(java.lang.String key)
 IContext IContext.removeFirstContext()
          simply return the first context in list of contexts, and remove it, or null if list is empty.
 IContext ContextNode.removeFirstContext()
 IContext ResourceManager.rereadResource(Session session, java.lang.String appname, java.lang.String resourceID)
          Re-read a resource.
static IContext Assembly.setBinaryContent(IContext context, byte[] buff, java.lang.String fullpath, java.lang.Long lastModified, boolean inMemory)
static IContext Assembly.setContent(IContext context, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String fullpath, java.lang.Long lastModified, boolean inMemory)
static IContext ResourceManager.wrapContext(DynamideObject owner, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object object, java.util.Map attributes)
static IContext ResourceManager.wrapContext(DynamideObject owner, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object object, java.util.Map attributes, permissions)
          Take any arbitrary object and wrap it in an IContext implementation, so that it can be added to an IContext as a node.
static IContext ResourceManager.wrapContext(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object object)

Methods in com.dynamide.resource with parameters of type IContext
static void Assembly.accessed(IContext context)
 void ResourceManager.addContextToTree(int id, IContext context, TreeBean t, java.lang.String tmpl)
static IContext ResourceManager.addElementToContext(org.jdom.Element elem, IContext ctx, java.lang.String fullpath)
 IContext IContext.bind(IContext context)
          Binds an IContext node by the name in node.getKey().
 IContext ContextNode.bind(IContext context)
 IContext IContext.bind(java.lang.String key, IContext context)
          Accepts IContext items.
 IContext ContextNode.bind(java.lang.String key, IContext context)
          Accepts Object and IContext items.
static Assembly Assembly.createAssembly(ResourceManager resourceManager, IContext assemblies, assemblyDir, java.lang.String assemblyName, java.lang.String account, java.lang.String RESOURCE_ROOT, boolean isCacheOn)
static java.lang.String ResourceManager.dumpContext(IContext context, java.lang.String indent, boolean html)
static java.lang.String ResourceManager.dumpContext(IContext context, java.lang.String indent, boolean html, java.lang.String pathString)
static IContext ResourceManager.ensureContext(IContext cur, java.lang.String name)
static IContext ResourceManager.ensureContextPath(IContext rm, java.lang.String path)
static byte[] Assembly.extractBinaryResourceContent(IContext node)
          Get the content of the resource as a byte array.
static java.lang.String Assembly.extractResourceContent(IContext node)
          Get the content of the resource as a String from an IContext node.
static Assembly Assembly.findAssembly(IContext assemblies, java.lang.String basename, java.lang.String interfaceNumber, java.lang.String build)
          Find Assembly in "assemblies" IContext param, matching basename param, with these rules: First rule: find assembly for build number Second rule: find assembly for interface number
 IContext ResourceManager.findWebAppsInAssembly(IContext assembly)
 void ResourceManager.initHome(IContext homes, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String accountName)
static IContext WebApps.initWebApps(IContext node, java.lang.String webappsFullPath, java.lang.String home, java.lang.String assembly, java.lang.String interfaceNumber, IContext logNode)
static boolean Assembly.isBinaryResource(IContext node)
          This override operates on an IContext node that represents a resource in the Assembly cache.
 StringList ContextNode.listAttributeNames(IContext context, boolean sort)
 java.lang.String ContextNode.listAttributeNames(IContext context, boolean sort, java.lang.String lineBreak)
 StringList ContextNode.listContextNames(IContext context, boolean sort)
 java.lang.String ContextNode.listContextNames(IContext context, boolean sort, java.lang.String lineBreak)
static java.lang.String Assembly.listResource(IContext context)
 IContext ResourceManager.putCachedResource(java.lang.String cacheRelName, IContext resource)
          Safe to call with either /cache/yada/yada or /yada/yada
 IContext ResourceManager.putCachedResource(java.lang.String cachePrefix, java.lang.String cacheRelName, IContext resource)
static IContext Assembly.readResource(IContext context)
protected static IContext Assembly.readResource(IContext context, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String fullpath)
          Important: doesn't rebind the ASSEMBLYDIR attribute, since this method is static.
 IContext IContext.rebind(IContext context)
          Binds an IContext node by the name in context.getKey().
 IContext ContextNode.rebind(IContext context)
 IContext IContext.rebind(java.lang.String key, IContext context)
          Won't throw an ObjectAlreadyBoundException if one exists with the same key, just silently replaces it.
 IContext ContextNode.rebind(java.lang.String key, IContext context)
          Accepts Object and IContext items.
static IContext Assembly.setBinaryContent(IContext context, byte[] buff, java.lang.String fullpath, java.lang.Long lastModified, boolean inMemory)
static IContext Assembly.setContent(IContext context, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String fullpath, java.lang.Long lastModified, boolean inMemory)

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